Mamta Story Munshi Premchand Summary

  1. Munshi Premchand Pdf
  2. Munshi Premchand Wikipedia In Hindi
  3. Mamta Story Munshi Premchand Summary Island Of The Blue Dolphins
  4. Premchand Stories
  • हिंदी पाठको के लिए इस पोस्ट में प्रेमचंद जी की लगभग सभी कहानियों(Premchand Stories Hindi) को पीडीऍफ़ रूप में दिया गया है,जिन्हें आप download कर सकते है.
  • The story has been adapted into several plays and other performances. Asi-Te-Karave Yied (2008) is a Kashmiri adaption of the story by Shehjar Children’s Theatre Group, Srinagar. Mujeeb Khan has also adapted it into a play as part of the series Adaab Mein Premchand Hoon.
  • Biography Early life. Munshi Premchand was born on 31 July 1880 in Lamhi, a village located near Varanasi (Benares) and was named Dhanpat Rai ('master of wealth'). His ancestors came from a large Kayastha family, which owned eight to nine bighas of land. His grandfather, Guru Sahai Rai was a patwari (village land record-keeper), and his father Ajaib Lal was a post office clerk.

Munshi Premchand Pdf

Munshi premchand pdf

Munshi Premchand, widely lauded as the greatest Hindi fiction writer of the twentieth century, wrote close to 300 short stories in the course of a prolific career spanning three decades. His range and diversity were limitless as he tackled themes of romance, satire, gender politics and social inequality with unmatched skill and compassion.

The short story entitled ‘Deliverance’ by Premchand deals with the themes of untouchability and class discrimination. It consists of four sections.

In the first section, we meet Dhuki, the main character of the short story. He lives a hard life with his wife Jhuria and their only daughter. His daughter is to be betrothed. So Dukhi needs the help of the Brahman Pandit Ghasiram to fix an auspicious day for the betrothal of his daughter. But Dukhi and his wife are very anxious and meticulous about how they would receive the Pandit Ghasiram at their house.

As they found some leisure time after their respective household chores, Jhuria, the wife of Dukhi, urges his husband to go the Brahman Pandit Ghasiram to ask him to come. Dukhi said, ”Yes, I am going, but we have to think about what he’s going to sit on.” His wife said that they would borrow a cot from the village headman’s wife. But Duhki knew that none of his neighbours would lend them a cot. So he suggested his wife wash their own cot and set that out to get dry by the time the Pandit would come to their home.

Jhuria said, ”He would not sit on our cot.” It was because she knew that the Pandit was a stickler about religion as he obeyed the religious rituals very strictly.

Munshi Premchand Wikipedia In Hindi

Then Dukhi decided to break off some mohwa leaves and make a mat for him. They also decided to manage some food and some other thing to offer the Brahman. Dukhi asked his wife to take Gond’s daughter, a girl of their neighbour, to the village merchant and bring all the things that they needed to offer to the Pandit. They decided to collect a full two pounds of flour, half of the rice, a quarter of a gram, an eighth of ghee, salt, turmeric and four annas as offering to the Pandit.

Mamta Story Munshi Premchand Summary Island Of The Blue Dolphins

After these instructions, Dukhi picked up his stick, took a big bundle of grass and went to make his request to the Pandit. He couldn’t go empty-handed to ask a favour of the Pandit. He knew that if the Pandit saw him without an offering, he would shout abuse at him from far away.

Thus in the first scene, we see that Dukhi and his wife are very anxious and sincere about how they would receive the Pandit. Here we see more that how the lower castes of people revere and respect the Brahmans to much.


But in the subsequent sections of the story, we see the hollowness of the so-called Brahmans. The more Duhki and his wife were concerned about the reception of the Pandit the more negligent and opportunist the Brahman appeared to be. Here lies the irony of caste discrimination in Indian society.

After going there, Dukhi saw that Pandit Ghasiram was busy with his daily rituals. After washing his hands and feet at eight o’clock, he would begin the real ceremony of worship, the first part of which consisted of the preparation of bhang. After that he would grind sandalwood paste for half an hour, then with a straw, he would apply it to his forehead before the mirror. Between the two lines of sandalwood, he drew a red dot. Then on his chest and arms, he drew designs of perfect circles. Then he took out the image of the Lord, bathed it and applied the sandalwood to it, decked it with flowers, performed the ceremony of lighting the lamp and rang a little bell.

Mamta Story Munshi Premchand Summary

At that moment Dukhi bowed his head down and said, ”I’m arranging Bitiya’s betrothal. Will your worship help us to fix an auspicious date? When can you find the time?”

The Pandit said, ”I have no time today. But still, I’ll manage to come toward evening.”

Then Pandit took the avail of this situation and set Dukhi to work in his house. He had to carry straw and split a hard piece of wood. All day long he worked hard in hunger. The Pandit and his wife did not care to feed him. Even the Pandit uttered insulting words to him for not being able to split the piece of wood. Then Dukhi set to split the wood with his utmost strength and got exhausted. He fell down on the spot and died instantly. Even after death, he did not get funeral rituals.

Thus the author Peremchand, in his story ‘Deliverance’ has portrayed the fatal effect of caste discrimination in Indian society with a vigorous force. 0 0 0

Some Books of Literary Criticism by Menonim Menonimus:

Some Critical Essays on Short Story by the same author:

1. Ambais’ Short Story ‘Yellow Fish’: An Analytical Study
2. Yellow Fish as a Metaphorical Short Story
3. The Significance of Colour in the short Stroy ‘Yellow Fish’
4. The Use of First Person ‘I’ in the Short Story ‘Yellow Fish’
5. Roger Mais’ Short Story ‘Blackout’: An Analytical Study

Premchand Stories

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