Drzewiecki Design Miami

Chicago gets a whole new life in this scenery by the renowned developer.

Drzewiecki Design Updates Miami City XP to v1.4. Another scenery update from Drzewiecki Design, this time for Miami City XP. Now exclusively for X-Plane 11, the scenery includes three Miami area airports. Updates include upgrade city autogen and fixed airport textures. Drzewiecki Design has recreated approximately 1000 sq kms of the beautiful ocean side city of Miami and its surroundings. By using a base of hi resolution photo ground scenery and then populating the entire area with a combination of custom and standard autogen they have given the entire area a complete makeover.

Chicago is a special place to virtually all flight simulator enthusiasts of a certain age. It wasn’t until the later years of Microsoft flight simulator that all flights didn’t start at Chicago Meigs airfield. This is where I, and thousands of other people were introduced to flight simulation. My first “cross country” flight was from Meigs to Midway. The Chicago skyline of skyscrapers as sparsely populated at they were at the time, became a familiar sight to many.

  • Microsoft Flight Simulator.
  • Miami City X is an extremely detailed scenery of Miami, USA metropolitan area. The scenery is available in various online stores. Please have a look at our w.
  • Miami City X is an extremely detailed scenery of Miami, USA metropolitan area. The scenery is available in various online stores. Please have a look at our website www.drzewiecki-design.net to get.

Drzewiecki Design Miami Florida

Now, Drzewiecki Design has brought Chicago to us in X-plane in a way that only Drzewiecki does. I’ve enjoyed DD New York, and Miami sceneries for years now. This new Chicago and Chicago Airports scenery bring that same standard to Chi-town.


Installing the Chicago city scenery starts off pretty straight forward. But a few clicks into the executable file, you’re presented with a prompt to install Scenery Animation Manager (SAM) it gives you three choices to download this program from. It’s not hard to do, but I found this part a little annoying. I expect scenery packages to be just that, packages. I was a little disappointed that this scenery relied on an outside program to function properly, however, I didn’t see much by way of animation in the scenery besides a few places so I’m not sure this was worth it.

If you have any other ortho scenery installed for the Chicago area, I highly recommend that you disable it if you plan to use this scenery. Otherwise you may get some weird tile conflicts especially on the lake.

Welcome to Chicago

The ortho files in this scenery package are pretty good. You could get better resolution with Ortho4XP but the included files line up very well with the building and scenery objects so there’s an advantage to using what comes with the package.

The down town area is superbly modeled. I had a lot of fun exploring the urban canyons of the city, and appreciating the architecture of the buildings included here. If you’re into casual flight simulation, you’ll really enjoy flying around this scenery. There are lots of details to be noticed that someone in a fixed wing aircraft will miss. A helicopter is the absolute best way to enjoy all of the things this scenery has to offer.

I was very impressed at how much thought and effort went into the modeling of each of these buildings. Like any helicopter pilot, I spent a lot of time looking at the roof tops, and found that each of these skyscrapers had their own unique system for their window washing equipment. Some had a track system, others a swiveling boom.

Checking this against satellite imagery of downtown shows a great deal of care was taken to model each building individually, which probably took a long time considering how many buildings there are! Air-conditioning units, and other unique structural work is also seen accurately modeled.

All of the land marks of Chicago Skyline are present, the John Hancock building, Mills Tower, Soldier Field, the Navy pier and the Chicago aquarium are all there.

There are many other buildings that I don’t know by name that are there and modeled impressively well. There was a lot of care taken to show the unique architecture of each of these buildings.

Are there helipads?

So, a common gripe helicopter simulator enthusiast have is the lack of non-Airport landing areas, mostly helipads. Initially I was skeptical about what Drzewiecki Design would offer. Chicago doesn’t have a lot of rooftop helipads in real life, so I didn’t really expect to see any of them modeled here. I did find one on top of the Ann & Robert H. Children’s Hospital, and one on top of the University of Chicago Hospital.

There may be more, but as of this writing I haven’t found them. Even though there aren’t many rooftop helipads, there are more than a few major Hospitals in Chicago, and most of them have helipads for HEMS operations. Drzewiecki Design was hit or miss when it comes to the ground based hospital helipads. Some were there, like Resurrection Medical center and Saint Mary and Elizabeth Medical center helipads that are modeled, but the default X-plane helipads are still present and serve as the starting point. It really detracts from the experience of using this scenery to see the default helipad just sitting there.

Drzewiecki Design New York

There are a few ground based helipads in Chicago, but all of the smaller single point pads are simply the default helipads that come with X-plane. There is one just south of O’Hare international (Patton Industries 3IL0) that is modeled with 3d buildings, but it appears to be from the scenery gateway, and not part of this package.

Drzewiecki Design Washington

Hospital helipads are good news for helicopter simulator enthusiasts, but heliports are even better news! And this scenery has three of them! YES! THREE!

There’s the Chicago Vertiport

The Police Marine heliport, known as the Down Town helipad in X-plane and the Chicago Heli Experience heliport

Of the 3 heliports in the Chicago city scenery, the Vertiport and the Police/Marine pad are the best looking ones. The Vertiport is the largest of the three. The main building and the hangar look really good. However, for the landing area, Drzewiecki Design chose to use a default helipad for some reason. The parking area didn’t seem to get the same care as the rest of the city either which is sort of weird to me. Let me explain.

Now I don’t want to seem like I’m not appreciative of the inclusion of the three heliports, other big name scenery developers don’t even bother with heliports, or have helicopter landing areas that aren’t actually hardened to support landing a helicopter (Lookin’ at you ORBX). But this city has so much detail in places that you would normally never see on a normal flight. Take this street corner for instance.

There is a clock on the side of the building, as well as the support structure of the church is modeled in detail that will almost never be seen by the average GA pilot. I happened to notice it while doing this review. So why spend time detailing and placing a clock on the corner, or the underlying support structure that can’t even be seen unless you just decide to land on that particular street corner. And not put an equal amount of effort into the landing area where flights will both begin and end? To me it feels like this parking area and helipad were already there, and Drzewiecki Design just added the static helicopters and buildings to the area. Again, I’m happy to have the heliport, but I wish there was as much effort put into them as the rest of the scenery.

The Chicago Heli-Experience heliport leaves a little bit to be desired as well. Again. I’m glad it’s there, but it seems that the main landing area was the only place that was given any consideration. The parking pads are just depicted on the ortho imagery, of which 2 of the 7 partially depicted. This may be partly because the flight simulation community as a whole doesn’t actually quite understand how heliports work, and what the actual use of a helipad is when placed at a heliport. The way this helipad is depicted leads me to believe that the developer didn’t realize this was an actual heliport, and the big circled H isn’t a parking area for a single aircraft, but a landing and takeoff area separate from the pads the helicopters will actually park on when not in use or when loading or unloading passengers. Now, sometimes these areas are the same, sometimes there not. But in this case, looking at satellite imagery of the heliport, it would be pretty clear to any helicopter pilot where the landing/ take off area is, and where the parking area is. In the case of the Drzewiecki Design version of the Chicago Heli-experience helipad, it would seem that the only thing thought to be important was the take off/landing area. This heliport also doesn’t have its real-world identifier in X-Plane (IL09), so you can’t start a flight from there. IL09 is assigned to another airfield in X-plane for some reason. But it’s not all bad, again, I’m happy the heliport is there to begin with. And the quality of the ortho underlay is slightly better at this heliport than the surrounding scenery, it also sits on a bit of custom mesh.

The Police marine heliport is probably my favorite of the three. You won’t find it by its proper identifier or name in X-plane or this scenery. In Drzewiecki Design X-plane scenery, it’s known at Downtown heliport and has the identifier or CH1 instead of its actual real-world identifier of 10LL. I have no idea why Drzewiecki Design chose to not use these heliports real world identifier and name. the only reason I can think of is that the developer didn’t see it on the Sectional or Terminal area Charts and assumed it didn’t have a name, but that theory doesn’t hold much water because none of the other heliports appear on the Sectional or Terminal Area Charts either. Of the three heliports, this one seems to have gotten the most care to the helicopter parking area.


The airport scenery is a separate installation that the Chicago City. It includes 3 Airports, O’Hare, Midway, and Chicago Executive.

Chicago Executive still goes by its old name Palwaukee in X-plane, but the identifier of KPWK is still current. The airports themselves are pretty good, they blend seamlessly into the Chicago city scenery. There’s lots of static aircraft, support vehicles, and the area around the airports are full of custom 3d objects depicting local businesses, and industrial areas.

Each of the airports have custom buildings that look really good. Most of your standard FBO’s are there, Signature Aviation, is one of the most popular FBO’s in the United States. I don’t know how many times I’ve stopped at one of their locations for Fuel in real life, but it’s been a lot! Signature Aviation has locations at all three of these airports, and they’re all depicted.

Drzewiecki Design Miami Dade

There are other FBO’s too. And what I really like about this scenery is that Drzewiecki Design does their best to set a scene for each airport or FBO that’s appropriate for the type of business that they do. For example. Outside of the Signature Aviation location at Midway, there are several Business jets with people and support vehicles. This isn’t an uncommon thing to see at a Signature location in a large city.

Drzewiecki Design Miami

Even though the Airports are nicely done, I didn’t find myself flying to them a lot while evaluating this scenery. Even though I have issues with the heliports downtown, they still gave me lots to do without having to spend time flying between airports.

One airport that is conspicuously missing is Merrill C Meigs. This makes sense because the airport is gone now. All though I respect the decision to show the area that Meigs once occupied as is, the simmer in me wanted it to be included in this release.

This scenery is really good at night! Each building in the downtown area has its own night texture, and the skyline looks absolutely fantastic after dark. This is easily one of my favorite night time scenery areas.

The Ramp lighting at the airports are really good too provided you have HDR enabled. If I had one complaint it would be that there’s no parking or taxiway lighting at the vertiport. That was a bit disappointing.


So, with any scenery, performance is a key issue. Doesn’t matter how detailed and amazing the scenery is, if your sim turns into a slide show when you load it up.

My computer set up is as follows:

  • I7 4790K
  • 32GB of RAM
  • RTX 2080
  • Oculus Rift S for VR

My simulator graphics settings are shown below

I don’t use any weather addons, just plain old X-plane weather for me. My weather settings for this review are shown below.

With these settings my frame rate over downtown stayed between 50-60FPS, which is perfectly fine for me. This FSP dropped the further out I set my visibility. This is about a 15 to 20 FPS drop compared to what I was getting with the default X-plane scenery objects and Z18 and Z19 ortho4XP tiles.

In VR using the OVR tool, I can hold 36-40 FPS, which is smooth enough to be enjoyable with no issues for me. So if you have a system better than mine I would assume your performance would be as good or better.


But... I want to use ORBX’s Merrill C Meigs airport, can I use this scenery too?

I’m a big fan of that airport too. So, to answer that question, I bought the ORBX Meigs scenery to see how well the two integrate. The short answer is yes, with some creative scenery .ini file management you can get the two to work together, but there are some compromises. For example, expect to lose the Downtown Police Marine heliport. And some changes to the area immediately around Meigs. Overall, by gaining Meigs with the ORBX scenery, you’ll lose a lot of the other details that make that area great about the Drzewiecki Design. Ultimately it’s really up to the user to determine if this compromise is worth it.

Chicago airports link

You can get the Chicago City XP scenery below. For the Chicago City XP, click here.

Our rating


  • 3 heliports!
  • Detailed buildings, hangars, and terrain
  • Usable roof top helipads
  • Well modeled historic and iconic buildings and landmarks
  • Fantastic night textures on skyline buildings


  • Significant Frame Rate impact expected on lower end computers
  • Scenery.ini configuration can be tricky if using other scenery
  • Not fully compatible with Othro4XP or ORBX scenery.
  • Heliports not lit at night, no taxi or pad lighting
  • Heliports not listed by their real world name or identifier in X-Plane


    This is a fun scenery, it really is. I enjoyed exploring this scenery a lot. The addition of 3 heliports and multiple hospital helipads gives the helicopter enthusiast a lot to do. I was impressed with the airport scenery but didn’t find myself flying to those locations very often. If I was also into fixed wing flying in X-plane (I’m not) these airports would be a lot more useful, but if you’re a dedicated heli-simmer, you could save yourself a few bucks and just purchase the Chicago city scenery.

Frame rate impact7
Total score
Click here to purchase/download or more information

Please note: the link above was either provided by the author of the product, the store that sent us the review copy or a personal choice of the article writer. It does not, in any way, indicate an endorsement of HeliSimmer.com to the website hereby linked.

More about this scenery



Terrain typeUrban
Altitude182m / 597ft

About Joe Hudson

Joe Hudson started with MS flight simulator 3.0 and has kept flight simulation as a hobby until the present day. He earned his private and commercial rotorcraft certificates learning to fly in the Hughes/Schweitzer 300C. He then moved on to the MD500D, Eurocopter/Airbus AS-350, and Bell 206, before joining the United States Army. In the Army, he’s served as a UH-60A crew-chief/mechanic and is currently an Aviation Safety Specialist and Advanced Aircraft Qualification Course Instructor Pilot for the AH-64 series.


Drzewiecki Design Miami Beach

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Note: some projects are no longer available for download.

Miami City X (2020 - v1.91)

Miami is a city located on the Atlantic coast in southeastern Florida and the county seat of Miami-Dade County, the most populous county in Florida and the eighth-most populous county in the United States with a population of 2,500,625. The 42nd largest city proper in the United States, with a population of 399,457, it is the principal, central, and most populous city of the South Florida metropolitan area, and the most populous metropolis in the Southeastern United States.
Our product gives you the possibility to fly over a very large area of Miami City, with photoreal day/night ground, detailed autogen, thousands of custom-made photoreal buildings, lite sceneries of KMIA Miami International Airport, KTMB Kendall-Tamiami Executive Airport and KOPF Opa-Locka Executive Airport airports and start locations for 2FA0, 9FA8, 64FL, 71FL, FA76, FD00, FD23, FL83, FL93, X44, X46 and X48.

The product has been removed from stores due to LatinVFR publishing of their Miami KMIA V5 scenery which also included a large part of the city at a greater quality than in our product.

Miami City X is compatible with FSX, FSX:SE, FSW, P3Dv1, P3Dv2, P3Dv3, P3Dv4 and P3Dv5.

Azerbaijan - Baku X Extract (2016)

Baku X is the first commercial scenery of Azerbaijan. Initially the product included the photoreal area of whole Azerbaijan including enhanced AFDs of all Azeri airports. Later the product has been limited to the Baku area only. Here you can download the Azerbaijan area which has been separated from the main product.

The product includes:

  • 8m/pix photoreal area of the whole Azerbaijan (excluding Baku), day/night version

  • 14 airports including 5 with low-poly custom buildings (the rest are with default library objects)

List of enhanced airports:

  • UB16 Balakan

  • UBBY Zaqatala (with custom 3D objects)

  • UG28 Bolshiye Sheraki

  • UB17 Akstafa

  • UB11 Dollyar Air Base

  • UBBG Ganja (with custom 3D objects)

  • UBBQ Qabala (with custom 3D objects)

  • UBEE Yevlakh

  • UBNA Naftalakh

  • UB13 Khankendi

  • UBBN Nakhchivan (with custom 3D objects)

  • UBBL Lenkoran (with custom 3D objects)

  • UB14 Kyurdamir Air Base

  • UB12 Nasosnaya Air Base

This product can be used together with Baku X if you wish.

Azerbaijan - Baku X Extract is compatible with FSX, FSX:SE, FSW, P3Dv1, P3Dv2, P3Dv3, P3Dv4 and P3Dv5.

EPGO Góraszka 2010: The Airshow Challenge (2010)

EPGO Góraszka is a small airfield located 15km from Warsaw downtown. It held an annual International Aviation Picnic from 1996 till 2010. The airport was later sold to a non-aviation organization and is expected to be closed soon (around 2017).

EPGO 2007 was actually our first complete scenery ever published - the 2010 edition was a sequel. The 2010 scenery recreated one of the 'Picnics' in EPGO airfield, with hundrieds of various real-life objects (static displays), people, static aircraft and the airport itself in a great detail. We have also organized 4 Virtual Air Picnics on VATSIM in Góraszka (2007-2010). Below there are some screenshots and on the right a movie made by Mariusz Napora.

Currently Góraszka airport (as it currently looks like) is included in our Warsaw City X product. The FS2004 version is available as well.

Since EPGO from the Warsaw City package looks very different, below there are links to the archive version of EPGO Góraszka 2010: The Airshow Challenge. Have fun with it! You need to manually add the airport into the Scenery Library. This scenery is not compatible with the Warsaw City package.

Download FSX version (237MB) Download FS2004 version (132MB)

EPMO Modlin (2009)

EPMO Modlin airport near Warsaw, Poland is quite special for us as its scenery was our first commercial release ever. The airport was upgraded around 2012 and currently it has a nice passenger terminal and serves low-cost carriers like Ryanair, however back in 2009 it was an almost abandoned military airfield with some amazing structures inside. Just look at the screenshots below. I remember that my ambition was to make some photos from the top of the 'tower' building (first 4 pictures). Inside it looked like after a nuclear bombing... The way up was actually quite crazy - including heavily deformed and rusty metal stairs, with all those old documents and roof parts lying on the floor. The airport was almost quiet with some military guys walking around rarely as well as some wild animals like deer and boars searching for food. I saw some of them indeed. The whole area looked more like a national park than an airport. Nothing has left of that old airport by now but using our scenery you can go back in time and check for yourself how it looked like. The new airport with new runway, terminal and all other modernizations is included in our Warsaw City package.

Since the airport looks very different now, we have decided to provide you that old product for free. Have fun with it and remember that this place does not exist any more in a shape presented in the scenery! You need to manually add the airport into the Scenery Library. This scenery is not compatible with the Warsaw City package.

Download FSX version (145MB)Download FS2004 version (131MB)

EPGO Góraszka 2007 XP (2008)

EPGO Góraszka is a small airfield located 15km from Warsaw downtown. It held an annual International Aviation Picnic from 1996 till 2010. The airport was later sold to a non-aviation organization and is expected to be closed soon (around 2017).

EPGO 2007 was actually our first complete scenery ever published. The first version was designed for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004. The convertion to X-Plane 8 and 9 was created by Michael Vladar. This airstrip has never been included in X-plane default airports so this was the only detailed scenery of EPGO. It includes the photoreal terrain, high quality buildings and other nice features.

Currently EPGO Góraszka airport (as it looks like nowadays) is included in our payware Warsaw City XP product for X-Plane 10.

Download for X-plane 8 - 50MBDownload for X-plane 9 - 48MB

S-771 Blue Angel (2005)

Drzewiecki S-771 Blue Angel futuristic project was inspired by the Boeing X-48 prototype and other blended-wings designs. Its fuselage works as a huge wing with a specific profile. Aircraft's size is quite similar to modern heavy jetliners (55x88x13), however it can take aboard 800 passengers and fly over 2 Ma on a maximum altitude of 60.000ft.

S-771 is powered by two hydrogen engines situated on top of the fuselage. Inside there is a tank with a liquid hydrogen, which is pumped to the engines. Due to the chemical reaction of mixiing hydrogen with oxygen (taken from the air) a big quantity of energy is produced. It was impossible to use those engines at low speeds, so S-771 has two extra jet engines under the fuselage, which must be used for taxi, take-off, landing and speeds below 400 KIAS. Jet engines have a changable thrust vector providing a stall speed of only 100 kts with 5% of fuel. Fully loaded S-771 requires only 1600m (5000ft) runway for take-off. The aircraft was originally designed for FS2004.

Stamar Ice Bace v2.1 (2005/2006)

A detailed scenery of a fictional Stamar city located on the Antarctic Peninsula. The project included city terrain made with EZ Landclass, lots of objects built in EOD (Easy Object Designer) - city downtown, nuclear power plant, two airports, detailed control tower with interior, huge greenhouses, a harbour and a 3,5km-long bridge. Package also included weather themes, saved flights, AI traffic file and an AI timetable for the area. The city looked nice at night as well, all abjects had night textures applied.

Concept Holiday Resort (2004)

It was a simple scenery of a concept city with three airports including large international airport, smaller GA aerodrome and a very small island field. The scenery was created with Easy Object Designer tool, FSSC, AFCAD and other free software. This was a nice excercise before our future city-scenery projects.

Flight Learning Center (2003)

This was just a simple scenery with a huge runway (the longest possible to produce in FS2002) to practice various approaches, designed mainly for the very beginners to flight simming (by a very beginning developer).

There were some 3D objects added from FSSC (Flight Simulator Scenery Creator) like hangars and antennas and a ground layout designed in AFCAD by Lee Swordy. The scenery was published for a very short time and just for training purposes.

This was actually our first scenery available for download ever.