Wartune Altar

Wartune astrals

Wartune Astral Guide


After the Divine Altar event is completed or failed, those present at the end will receive 3000 Kyanite via mail (5000 for the deluxe version). Amethyst Exchange. A Sack of Kyanite can be purchased from Lilith at the Amethyst Exchange for 200 Amethyst. Sack of Kyanite yields 2000 Kyanite when used. Guild members may spend their guild contribution to perform blessings at the guild altar (not to be confused with Divine Altar). This is essentially like spinning a prize wheel for random prizes. Each blessing will consume 20 contribution points. The higher the level of the altar, the more blessings a member may perform. Divine Altar: Divine Altar is another event your GM can unlock, usually at a pre-determined time. Here, guild members must protect their altar from waves of monsters coming from either side. If you look at the picture, this is the layout of what divine altar looks like. Think of the layout as the letter n. Altar of Ennoblement is a building used for rest. Player can recover strength here. Click on any statue, then click 'Begin Cultivation' to enter a state of cultivation. The Divine Altar is a place where all members can defend their Guild from the invaders. There will be a special rewards if the players can defeat all the invaders in time. Divine Altar will be opened when the Guild reaches level 5. The Altar can only be opened by the Guild Leader.

Wartune Astrals

How To...

Can't figure out what to do? Need a little nudge in the right direction?
Here's a HOW TO guide that will make it easier on you and hopefully help you get your hero into shape!

  1. Always do your Dailies! - doing these will help you lvl quickly and will also grant you some cool items to help you along the way!
  2. Bounties! - doing these will increase your gold and exp. You only have 20 of them so use them wisely!
  3. Gold Mines - always go to the wilds to get your Gold Mines. This will help you increase you gold production! But watch out! These mines are protected by monsters, be sure your strong enough to fight them off!
  4. Guild Altar - Spinning the guild altar daily will allow you to get some really cool items, some of which are extremely RARE! *This costs GUILD CONTRIBUTION each spin*
  5. Contributing to Guild - Donating your extra gold protects it from plunder, and strengthens the guild. Each contribution you make adds to Guild Wealth. You can then spend your portion of that wealth in the guild shop, spin the guild altar, and purchase guild skill boosts for your hero! Also, contributing to the guild will also allow for upgrading of guild buildings and leveling the guild itself, allowing for better items in the guild shop!

  1. Always do ALL the quests you can! - knocking out as many quests as you can will make it quicker to your next lvl. Plus you'll gain gold and items too!
  2. Multiplayer Dungeons - don't be afraid to ask a fellow guildie for help with this one! you'll need a total of 4 players for this quest!
  3. Arena (party 3v3) - Don't be afraid to ask a fellow guildie for help! That's what we are here for! (also you gain insignia here! Wins = 15x losses = 5x)
  4. Plundering! - Attacking other cities gives you gold, daru and kyanite. You can plunder 5 times each day, unless you purchase more. Each plunder adds to guild wealth as well. But remember, you can't plunder guildmates!
  5. Stamina (max 200) - this is used up each time you enter CAMPAIGN mode, meaning you're fighting monsters instead of people. 20 stamina is reduced each time you enter a map dungeon. Quests will require you to enter these map dungeons in order to complete them. However, you can replenish your stamina by 60 points every day once you have the Altar of Enoblement! *This is be available at lvl 20+ and takes 2 hours to completely harvest 60 points.* Also, 100 stamina is replaced every day at 5 am server time.

Enchanting- this will increase your armor's basic (not the green part) stats. This costs gold (increasingeach time) you enchant. The success rate will also drop by 10% each time! *don't worry items don't break, however they will fail increasingly as your rate goes down.* Maxing out your enchanting on your armor and jewelry will increase your Battle Rating.
  1. Gems - Socketing gems into your equips is essential! Using the correct gems in your equips will increase your stats dramatically! This will also increase your Battle Rating. Socketing Rods are available to increase the amount of gems you can place in each piece of armor. Gems can be found in the Forgotten Catacombs, during quests, Guild Alter or by buying them with real cash. *Placing a gem costs nothing, but removing or replacing a gem costs gold - depending on the level of the Gem being removed.*
  2. Synthesizing - this allows you to create an item from multiple other items. You can create equipment, gems, or other items using this ability. However, it does cost a bit of gold each time. But synthesizing is a great way of increasing your Battle Rating by creating stronger gems or equips. *Arena equips are still better than synthesized ones*
  3. Battle Rating - this is determined by the rarity of your equips, the level of your equips and gems. This also determines your ability to defeat your enemies. A higher BR will allow you to defeat more enemies, whereas a lower BR will not.
Guild Chamber, Guild Shop, Contributing, Guild Altar, Guild Skill Tower & Guild Vault
  1. Guild Chamber - Here you can energize the Guild Tree of Ancients (ToA) when it is summoned (only guild leader has this ability). The Tree can be energized only once a day, but for 15 minutes you will gain extra experience. Contributions can be gained by collecting the items that appear during guild ToA. Also, this is where all guild meetings will be held, where you can rest yourself or even where you can take on an invader when they appear (level 40's).
  2. Contributing - Giving to the guild costs GOLD or BALENS, and increases Guild Wealth. Using Gold IS preferred! 1 contribution point (Guild Wealth, or GW) = 1K Gold (1,000). Contributing to the guild allows for upgrades to the guild buildings and upgrading the guild level itself which in turn allows for more members! Contributing is completely voluntary. Some bounty quests will require it in small amounts. However, putting your extra gold into the Guild protects it from plunder, and enables you to purchase important skills and items, and allows the Guild Master to purchase increases for the Guild. Thank you for your contributions to the guild!
  3. Guild Vault/Chest - This area allows a little breathing room for your items. The Vault is a safe secure place to put any excess items that may be clouding your inventory! The items you place into the vault are used only by YOURSELF! No one else sees them, not even the guild leader! The Guild Chests are items handed out by the Guild Leader after a Guild Battle. Chests are distributed based on several aspects of a person's helpfulness and teamwork in Guild Battles.
  4. Guild Altar - This place is a great asset to the guild and yourself! It requires 20 contribution points to spin the wheel, but in return, you will get great items. Not excluding rare cash items, such as socketing rods, high level luck stones, high level gems, city protections, soul crystals, skeleton keys and more! Spinning this Altar daily will allow you to get great items for your character!
  5. Guild Shop - here you can find items that help you on your adventure through Wartune. Luck stones, potions, and other items can be found here! However, each item costs a certain amount of contribution points. The higher the the shop level is, the more items are available, and higher level items as well.
  6. Guild Skill Tower - Here you can purchase skills for your Hero for a price. Contribution points reign supreme here! These skills help your Hero gain in BR and strength and are ALWAYS equipped! You can easily purchase them if you have enough GW. Don't forget this important aspect of building your character!