
  1. Pydictionary List Of Words
  2. Pydictionary
  3. Pydictionary Example

One of the popular fields of research, text classification is the method of analysing textual data to gain meaningful information. According to sources, the global text analytics market is expected to post a. PyDictionary Update with the following code. From PyDictionary import PyDictionary dictionary = PyDictionary def handle ( word ): return dictionary. Meaning ( word ).

Use the Jython installation jar to install Jython. Three installation modes are provided:

  • GUI
  • Text console
  • Command line, for automated installation

From java -jar jython-installer-2.7.0.jar --help, we can some examples of how to install Jython:

A standalone Jython jar is also provided for users who intend to embded Jython.

Jython has a new launcher that is written in Python and executed by CPython 2.7. For Windows, CPython is bundled into the launcher (binjython.exe) by the PyInstaller program. For other systems, the installer determines if CPython 2.7 is available, and if so, uses CPython 2.7 to launch Jython.

You can always see the command the launcher will use via the --print option:

Often it may make more sense to directly execute Jython in this fashion.

The following environment variables do not usually have to be set, but if they are, they must be set correctly (see

  • JAVA_ENCODING - Character set encoding, such as UTF-8

  • JAVA_MEM - Java memory (sets via -Xmx)

  • JAVA_OPTS - options to pass directly to Java

  • JAVA_STACK - Java stack size (sets via -Xss)

  • JAVA_HOME - Java installation directory, if set the java command is assumed to be at $JAVA_HOME/bin/java

  • JYTHON_HOME - Jython installation directory

  • JYTHON_OPTS - default command line arguments

Empty settings are currently assumed to be significant, so use unset to remove if on a Unix-like system; on Windows, you can unset an environment variable via set ENVVAR=.



More details can be found in the NEWS file, which is incorporated here:

This is a tutorial to create a dictionary similar to the one displayed in my project’s portfolio. Before we start writing the script we need to make sure that we have the necessary python libraries:

  • JSON library (should be preinstalled)
  • Difflib library (should be preinstalled)
  • Wikipedia API ( )

Pydictionary List Of Words

Fantastic, but before we start writing some code download the Dictionary Database here:

To import the libraries and the database you can just use the following code.

First, we will need to get user input. To do so we can create a function that prints a question in the terminal and saves the input in a variable.

after saving the input we pass it as a parameter to the decoder function that we will create in a second. The closer() function just allows the program to ask the user if he/she wants to input another word or if we can close it.


When we receive the answer we need to worry about a couple of things, first, we use the .lower() method to decapitalise any capital letters, then we need to understand if the word we just changed is in our database, this would be the ideal situation. If it is not we can use the .title() method to search for the same word with the first letter being capitalised, this is in case the person has searched for a proper name. if this does not work we can capitalise all the letters and run that on our database, this is in case the user searched for NASA or some other acronym.

this should get us at least one hit in our database. One future idea you could implement could be a priority case, by this I mean if we have “RED” and “Red” in our database as two different words with only the capitalised letters as a difference to distinguish them we might not know which one the user wants so we could check his initial input and find out if that can help us decide.

Before we finish the decoder function we will also implement a spelling check system. We can do this by using a function available in difflib.

Ignore the 3rd line, it should be all in the second line, add it to the end. This will check for strings in our database that have similar characters to our variable “word” and it will create a list, by choosing the first element of that list “[0]” we can get the one closest to ours. Then we ask the user if that was what he meant. If it is we use it, otherwise, we print “Type word again” and call the starter() function again.

The overall decoder function will look like this:

Now we can add the closer() function to allow a user to enter a 2nd word into our program. The code for this function is very easy we simply ask the user to type yes or no and then either call Starter() again or close everything.

The “n” I added at the start of the string is there because otherwise, you would be printing everything close together. This simply makes it more clean and readable.

Now we have a working dictionary! To actually run the program you need to call the starter() function at the bottom of your code and everything then should be executed when you run it.


Adding the Wikipedia API is relatively easy, you can implement it the way you want, personally I looked if Wikipedia was at the end of the user input and if it was I called a Wikipedia_search() function.

The API has a couple of different functions, the “search” simply searches the word on Wikipedia and returns a quick definition and some relating articles. The “summary” instead gives a summary of the word you looked up if there is an article about it. Add the following code to your decoder() function to call the Wikipedia API.

Pydictionary Example

There we go, we completed the PyDictionary application. Here is all the code and a link to this project’s Github page.